Saturday, September 19, 2009

Flashlite and Valgrind for OMAP3!!

Looking through the beagleboard facebook group,
Saw two interesting points:
For all the Beagleboard fans out there, we’ve created an evaluation version of Flash Lite 3. This is a fully functional version of Flash Lite that times out in 3 minutes. It is built on Angstrom Linux distribution and requires X. Please email me if you are looking for more information or are interested in having one. I should mention that OMAP 3530 (ARM Cortex A8) is a powerful CPU and seems to handle graphics as well as video very well."

How to build Valgrind for Beagleboard
1) Get Valgrind source code from SVN using revision 9648 and 1888 for VEX
svn co -r 9648 svn://
cd VEX
svn update -r 1888

2) Download the patch here

3) Apply the patch into the source code
cd valgrind
patch -p1 < [path to the patch]

4) Run to run autotools

5) Configure the source code
./configure --host=arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi

The patch still has some bugs such as CPU instruction alignment you can 'cat /proc/cpu/alignment' to find out if the kernel is configured to fix unaligned accesses, and you can enable it by executing 'echo 2 > /proc/cpu/alignment' but it's enough to use for simple application.
Have fun with Valgrind :-)

The above quotes are straight from Facebook posts itself..

Saturday, September 12, 2009

CELF 2009 - France (ELC-Embedded Linux Conference)

here are the sessions in the conference:

Includes Sascha and my personal fav - u-boot v2.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

And then Finally TI U-Boot tree!!

Finally.... here it is!!! patches for u-boot to be send straight to u-boot mailing list.